Tuesday, November 15, 2011
November 14, 2011
The leaves at daycare are some of the most gorgeous I've seen. It makes me a little sad that this is the last autumn she'll have there.
November 13, 2011
I've had this fabric for about 2.5 months and on Friday (Veteran's day and a day off work), I finally made the skirt I bought it for. I was worried Lily wouldn't love it because it isn't twirly - but I couldn't get her to take it off for two days.
November 12, 2011
Combing through her hair after a bath one night, I got super frustrated with the tangles and decided it was time to say goodbye to her long hair. Unfortunately though, this mom doesn't know how to cut hair but for some reason, that didn't stop her from trying. Ugh...it was awful for quite a while until Aunt Lin fixed it beautifully tonight!! Lily was confused as to why she needed to get it cut again and when I told her we needed to cut it more straight, she asked me if I had cut it curly. :) Yes. Yes dear...*that* was the issue. :)
November 10, 2011
These two have each been through the ringer and back - and somehow, managed to find eachother and start something beautiful together! Couldn't be happier for them!
November 9, 2011
Challenge: Stop/Slow motion. I had a bunch of great ideas for this challenge but I couldn't get them to work for me when it came down to it. I'm in love with this shot though - it might not necessarily show/stop motion...but what an interesting view of the Salt Lake Valley!
November 7, 2011
4 days start to finish - this is during the "blocking" phase - it has three dark brown buttons near the top, closing the top of the cardigan that I added later. I *barely* had enough yarn to finish this. Literally, about 1 yard leftover. And it would have worked for Lily but only for one season and it would have bugged me by being just a little too short. VERY luckily, I know someone super awesome who wanted it for her daughter and paid me generously for it! Thanks Bree!!
November 5, 2011
Rescued these blocks from a different project they were originally intended for. And yes, at any given moment I have roughly 1000 projects going on.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Bonus post - Edit Me Challenge Week 24
For getting my blog updated, I allowed myself a reward of entering this "Edit Me" challenge! My girl Bree has been doing these for quite a while and I wanted to try my hand at it. So here is the original:
And my edit. I love the texture on the tree so I exaggerated it a bit, sharpened the details on the camera, used a boost action in PS and played a bit with the color saturation. Voila!
Side by side:
November 4, 2011
Stayed home with a sick kiddo today. She is such a busy body even when she doesn't feel good. I printed this for her to do. Took her all of five minutes. I love all the little creations she brings home from daycare and I need to be better about documenting her work! Its adorable!
November 3, 2011
These curls were about 5" shorter this morning when I took the curlers out. It is amazing to me how straight her hair demands to be. She must get it from her dad because my hair will stay curled from rollers for days if I didn't wash it. Don't worry - I do wash it. Most days... ;)
November 1, 2011
This is about 1/3 of her haul. We keep it in this bowl above the fridge. She's set until Easter! (the other candy haul holiday.)
October 31, 2011
Halloween!!! Finally! Today was a full day of trick or treating. We went to work/daycare a little late in the morning and had fun hanging out together at home for a couple extra hours. Lily had to go to daycare and was dreading naptime - I don't blame her. Kid was *so* excited to go trick or treating. I was able to meet up with her at daycare just before her class went trick or treating and helped her finish getting into her costume. Here she is with Sheera, Iron Man, Hellboy, Tinkerbelle and Thomas the Train.
After a half-hour of trick-or-treating around the county building (and LOTS of "DON'T RUN MARY POPPINS!!!) we packed up and headed to Alpine to see Grandma & Grandpa Eddington. Unfortunately, Grandpa was on an errand and we didn't get to see him. :( But I'm sure Grandma showed him some pics. We accidentally left her hat at daycare, which Jason was able to pick up on his way home (he worked up at the range all day) so she wasn't without it for the evening. Just the trip to Grandma's.
(She is such a ham. I'm sure this is what she thinks is beautiful posing, as Mary Poppins would do for sure.)
And finally, evening trick or treating with cousins in Lehi. Girlfriend was SUGARED out by the end of the night and we were both exhausted! I love Halloween! My little Mary Poppins told me several times how much she loved her costume - makes it all worth it!

October 30, 2011
We had a lot of fun carving pumpkins tonight - we had one other one but I forgot to take a picture of it - it was a spooky cat in a tree. Lily got bored after 5 minutes so Jason and I did all the work. That Foofa pumpkin was rotten & stinky but it was the perfect size so I was determined to make it work for a day or two!
October 27, 2011
I left home for a short meeting tonight and Jason was in charge. I guess Lily found an old scrapbook chalk palette and decided it was makeup. I sucked all the air out of the room when I got home and saw her. Jason thought she looked good for Halloween. I went for the washcloth & soap but changed my mind and decided the camera first. Lovely, right?
October 26, 2011
Photo challenge: T
T, is for TROUBLE! Lily's daycare friends. Reagan, Lily, Taelyn, Tiny (Brendan) and Eric.
T, is for TROUBLE! Lily's daycare friends. Reagan, Lily, Taelyn, Tiny (Brendan) and Eric.
October 24, 2011
Got my craft on this weekend - Jason snagged a large branch for me and I just went to town with the spray paint. I found the leaves, rocks & moss at the dollar store and the vase at the DI. Spray paint was the most expensive part of this project at $4!
October 23, 2011
Finished up another crochet hat - I adore this pattern and Lily is such a glamorous model. (HA!). The color looks weird in this pic - it is a deep autumn red. Made it for my girl Kirby who is so thoughtful & generous to support my yarn addiction. :)
October 22, 2011
I realize this photo is gross - but it represents something that I am extremely grateful for. No antlers this year, but Jason got an elk down which means we will have some meat in our freezer for a year! Couldn't be more proud of him - he was diligent and didn't give up. I frankly don't have the patience so I'm glad he does. ♥
October 20, 2011
Front door step this fall - not the greatest attempt, but far better than years past. Just think how great next year will be!
October 19, 2011
Crazyiest thing happened today at work. I was sitting in my car at the very end of my lunch and this ginormous van pulled into our underground parking lot. He pulled into two spots and inched forward until his top (caution?) light completely crashed into a ballast & blew out two flourescent lights. They shattered all over the ground and he got out and acted like nothing at all had happened. I took pics in case our building manager wanted to see it. The guy was already a client and at my office to see his attorney for his drug charges. High much?
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
October 18, 2011
This picture was taken a week ago at Sissy's (Lily's cousin) birthday party but I forgot to post it earlier. That icing stained her face for 2 days. :) But it was DELICIOUS. We also loved the party shirts! Fun party!
October 17, 2011
All five years of costumes...all hanging in her closet. I love the contrast of the different lengths. She's grown a TON in the last year!
October 15, 2011
In case you did not know, my mother is incredible. She helped me sew this dress and understand more about sewing and pattern-making. We started from scratch. I couldn't get the idea out of my head - Lily has loved Mary Poppins since she was tiny. Something about the non-cartoon factor sparked her interest early. She couldn't be more happy with the dress and neither could I. I am thrilled to have it done - it was born in my head back in August and we ran into more than one snafu - I basically had to make the bodice twice because of how I cut it the first time. Grrr...trial and error. But I am happy to report that I didn't have to buy any additional supplies after my first trip. I found my inspiration from an etsy designer who wanted close to $200 for a very similar dress. Mine cost a lot of time...but a lot less money. There is something about Halloween - I don't even know what brings it out in me but I LOVE creating costumes that Lily Jo loves. I also really enjoy the time I get to spend with my mom, what she teaches me, her "khhhhheeeeeeeeeeeewwwww" moments when she's done something wrong, and how much she laughs at my jokes.
PS - one of my favorite sewing bloggers posted this today (October 19). I won't say I came up with the idea first, but I just wanted to put it out there that I didn't copy this idea from her tutorial! (for once in my life) If she posts tutorials on how to create the boot covers, I'll probably be copying that part. :) I actually made my own dress & pattern that included a lined bodice, full skirt, lace-edged "bib" section, and a corset with rivets & boning!! Go me!
PS - one of my favorite sewing bloggers posted this today (October 19). I won't say I came up with the idea first, but I just wanted to put it out there that I didn't copy this idea from her tutorial! (for once in my life) If she posts tutorials on how to create the boot covers, I'll probably be copying that part. :) I actually made my own dress & pattern that included a lined bodice, full skirt, lace-edged "bib" section, and a corset with rivets & boning!! Go me!
October 14, 2011
Has anyone seen my baby? I can't find her but this small human answers to Lily and follows me around.
October 13, 2011
A very sweet co-worker made this little gem for me. She sits perfectly on my desk and makes me smile while I'm dealing with all the crazy.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
October 12, 2011
Have I mentioned how much we love Halloween around here? Candy corn manicure! Lily was VERY patient (and perhaps a bit dramatic) with how long it took. She's happy with the results.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
October 11, 2011
October 9, 2011
Easy breezy day today - spent some time painting this lil pumpkin, my favorite of the crew we brought home the other day. It didn't turn out exactly like I wanted (elegant, stenciled black monogram) but c'est la vie. I'm just glad it wasn't a total loss. And Lily was ecstatic about the glitter.
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